Contemporary situation of Alternative Medicine in Germany

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In 2009 and 2014 the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach, a respected opinion and market research institute, performed a poll about “the usage of homeopathic remedies” among 1853 people over 16 years old. According to that poll, see Figure 5, about 60% of that population have taken homeopathic remedies in 2014 which is more than double from 1970 and 7% more than in 2009! (Allensbach)[i]



Figure 5: Have you ever taken homeopathic remedies? (Allensbach)


In German pharmacies the customers can buy health or beauty related products, prescriptive and over-the-counter drugs (which are only available in pharmacies).


Figure 6: To whom do you confide in health issues? - Percentage of people questioned[ii]


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In health matters most patients rely on the family doctor, but many customers might go to the pharmacy and ask for suggestions. In fact 75% of the German population would go to the pharmacist, even more often than visiting a physician in a university hospital. And almost half of the population, 49%, are visiting a homeopath or Heilpraktiker; see Figure 6 (Young). 


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[i] As more immigrants and refugees from outside Europe are living in Germany the percentage of “haven’t even heard of it” probably rose from 6% to 8% in the last 5 years.


[ii] Poll in Germany: Vaild Research Feb 2009; 2.000 people were asked from 18 years (Young p. 19), 


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